CSDF CSDF Directors and Officers




Board of Directors

Simon N. Lono 67 Carrick Drive, St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1A 4N5
(709) Home: 753-0362
Email: SLONO@mail.gov.nf.ca

Carol Jensen 17 Hoeschen Crescent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 2S9
(306) Home: 955-2857 Work: 683-7700 Fax: 683-7707
Email: cmjensen@hotmail.com

Josh Judah 5840 Balmoral Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 1A4
(902) Home: 492-1020 Work: 835-8355 Fax: 835-1301
Email: jjudah@accesswave.ca

George Pepall 44 Bound Brook Court, Kitchener, Ontario N2A 3L3
(519) Home: 893-4209
Email: pepall@golden.net

Tanya Sturgeon 101 Caldwell Drive, Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 4A5
(306) Home: 783-0482
Email: tsturgeon@sk.sympatico.ca

Jocelyne Tessier 504, Crois de Bruyne, Aylmer, Quebec J9H 5N8
(819) Home: 684-6583
Email: jocelyne.tessier@infonet.ca

Janet Webster St. George’s School, 4175 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6S 1V6
(604) Home: 224-7263 Work: 221-3629 Fax: 224-7066
Email: jwebster@pop3.stgeorges.bc.ca


President: George Pepall

Treasurer: Tanya Sturgeon

Secretary: Janet Webster

World’s Competition Officer: Janet Webster

Director of French Debate: Jocelyne Tessier

Director of Bilingual Debate: vacant

Ad Rem Editor: Simon Lono

Fundraising: Carol Jensen

Rules Committee Chair: Josh Judah

Solicitor: Josh Judah

2002 National Seminar Chair: Georges Perreault
850, 1re Rue Est, Amos, Quebec J9T 1H8
(819) Work: 732-3221 Fax: 732-0253
Email: debatsamos2002@hotmail.com

Web Site Manager: Tim Maly
4109 Cote des Neiges Apt 14, Montreal Quebec H3H1W9
(902) Home: 938-4788 Email: tim.maly@sympatico.ca

Discipline Officer: Brian Casey
2367 Hunter Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 4V7
(902) Home: 423-8457 Work: 422-3100 Fax: 425-250
Email: bcasey@hfx.eastlink.ca

National Team Coach: Rupert Ray
232 Cherrywood Drive, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 2X8 (905) Home: 967-1285 Email: unknown

Director of Arctic Development: Geoffrey Buerger
Bag Service #3, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
(867) Work: 777-7170 Fax: 777-4390 Email: buerger@inuvik.net

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