Note:All files are in WPD or DOC format. Please email tim.maly@sympatico.ca for help.
Rules of Debate
*English (last updated mar.01.2003)
*Bilingual (last updated mar.01.2003)
*French (last updated mar.01.2003)
*Member Societies (last updated sept.22.01)
*Board Members and Officers of the CSDF (last updated sept.22.01)  
Constitution (last updated mar.01.2003)
Note: The Constitution is traditionally printed on several diffent colours of paper (this makes it easier to flip through during meetings). These colours are noted next to each link. English
*Index (white)
*ByLaws (yellow)
*National Seminar Regulations (orange)
*General Policies-A Renewed Vision (white)
*World Schools Debating Championships (green)
*Rules of Order for Meetings (blue)
Minutes and Meeting Notes (last updated Oct.02.2001)
*Minutes: 2001 Anual General Meeting