CSDF CSDF Member Associations



MEMBERS 2002-2003

Alberta Debate and Speech Association

Willis Kachuk, Co-ordinator Room 132, 8205-90th Ave, Edmonton, Alberta T6C 1N8

(780) work: 440-6988 fax: 463-3648

email: adebate@compusmart.ab.ca

Debate and Speech Association of British Columbia

Julia Clarke, President Collingwood School, 70 Morven Drive, West Vancouver,

British Columbia, V7S 1B2

(604) work: 925-3331 ext. 3340 fax: 925-3862

email: julia_clarke@hotmail.com

Manitoba Speech and Debate Association

Audrey Greenhill, President Balmoral Hall School, 630 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3S1 (204) work: 784-1600 fax: 774-5534

email: agreenhill@balmoralhall.com

Debate/Débat New Brunswick

Trish Foster, Secretary-Treasurer 3 Pine Street, Florenceville, New Brunswick E7L 3J1

(506) work: 392-6073 fax: 392-6639

email: rodenthq@nbnet.nb.ca

Newfoundland Federated League of Debaters

Michelle Clemens, Co-ordinator Bishops College, Penneywell Road, St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 2L6 (709) work: 579-4107 ext. 239 fax: 579-4109

email: mclemens@bishops.ntc.nf.ca

Nova Scotia Debating Society

John Filliter, Co-ordinator 56 Lorne Ave, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 3E7

(902) work: 466-8424 fax: 463-4168

email: johnfilliter@accesscable.net

Ontario Student Debating Union

Bob Marsh, President 154 Avondale Ave. South, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2C6 (519) work: 579-5216

email: marshes@sentex.net

Quebec Student Debating Association

Riley McMullen, President St. George's School, 3100 The Boulevard, Montreal, Quebec H3Y 1R9 (514) work: 937-9289 fax: 933-3621

email: mcmullen@stgeorges.qc.ca

Association des débats et discours des étudiants du Quebec

Richard Picotin, President 88 rue Sauve, Pierrefonds, Quebec H9S 4P6

(514) work: 457-3940 fax: 457-3554

email: ripoco@hotmail.com

Saskatchewan Elocution and Debate Association

Lorelie DeRoose, Exec. Director 1860 Lorne St, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2L7

(306) work: 780-9243 fax: 781-6021

email: info@saskdebate.com

Yukon Student Debating Association

Carol Harwood, President 1001 Lewes Boulevard, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Y1A 3J1

(867) work: 667-8665 fax: 393-6385

email: carol.harwood@yesnet.yk.ca

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